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EAPN-Flash.¡Suscríbete a la actualidad de la red!
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On the 20th of September 2023, EAPN Spain organizes, in collaboration with EAPN Asturias, the "IV European Congress Against Poverty and Social Exclusion", in Oviedo -Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos de Oviedo, Sala de Cristal (Calle Arturo Álvarez Buylla, 5)-.
Registration required:
The IV Congress aims to debate the approaches, proposals and/or models that should guide efforts in the fight against poverty and social exclusion at national and EU level, and the role of the Third Sector in decision-making processes related to public policies.
Specifically, the IV Congress pretends to give visibility to the Social Economy as an essential model for the creation and maintenance of quality employment and to configure an economic development model based on social cohesion, democracy, equality, fair green and digital transitions and sustainable progress consistent with the 2030 Agenda.
The IV Congress is part of the "Foro Anual Europeo contra la Pobreza, la Desigualdad y la Exclusión Social: cohesión social y protección de los derechos", organized by EAPN Spain in 2023 in order to contribute to the analysis of the results and impact of European social policies and its adaptation in Spain.