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EAPN España. Red Europea de lucha contra la pobreza

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(English info) V European Congress Against Poverty and Social Exclusion

On the 21st & 22nd of May, EAPN Spain organizes the V European Congress Against Poverty and Social Exclusion, in Madrid -Salón de Actos de la Fundación ONCE (Calle de Sebastián Herrera, 15)-.

Registration required:

  • A live streaming will be also provided, please select the preferred option (ONLINE or ON-SITE attendance) in the field "Modalidad de asistencia".
  • If you do not live in Spain, please select “OTRA”, in the following fields: “Seleccionar Provincia” & “Seleccionar Localidad”. 
  • A Spanish / English interpretation service will be provided. 

The V Congress aims to debate the approaches, proposals and/or models that should guide efforts in the fight against poverty and social exclusion, and the role of the Third Sector in decision-making processes related to public policies.

In the various panels, a discussion will be held on strategies for implementing transformative policies that can achieve tangible outcomes for poverty and social rights, at both European and national levels. This will be considered in light of the upcoming European Parliament elections of June 2024.

The V Congress is part of the "Foro Anual Europeo contra la Pobreza, la Desigualdad y la Exclusión Social: Protección de derechos en el nuevo marco comunitario", organized by EAPN Spain in 2024 in order to contribute to the analysis of the results and impact of European social policies and its adaptation in Spain.