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EAPN España. Red Europea de lucha contra la pobreza

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Poverty Watch 2019

The decade 2008-2018 is a great loss for social progress. To meet the Europe 2020 Strategy's national target, the number of people at risk of poverty and / or social exclusion should be reduced by 2.3 million in the next year. If we do not move in the right direction, Spain will also fail to comply with the principles of the EU Social Rights Pillar and with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The report describes the average situation for Spain, with a reference to the territorial disparities which are reflected in all AROPE and inequality indicators. The country is divided into two halves: from Madrid to the north, the Autonomous Communities have low AROPE rates, between 3 and 14 percentage points below the national average, similar to those of the most advanced European countries. Moreover, the Southern Autonomous Communities have extraordinarily high rates, between 4 and 18 percentage points above the national average.

Tipo: Informes

Categoría: Publicaciones EAPN

Fecha: 2020

#Estrategia 2020
